Tritex NDT will be shut from 12:00 on Friday 20th December 2024 until 09:00 on the Thursday 2nd January 2025 for our Christmas shutdown.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers for making this year so successful. We wish you all Seasons Greeting and a Happy New Year.


Underwater thickness measurements are required in all applications where metal is used underwater. Typical applications include pilings, pipelines, piers, bridges, offshore platforms, lock gates and ships.
The advantage for the diver in using a multigauge 3000 underwater thickness gauge is that minimal preparation of the surface is required. Coatings do not have to be removed. The large bright LED display can be seen in poor visibility underwater and measurements can be transferred to the surface for verification via the optional topside repeater. The Multigauge 3000 Underwater Thickness Gauge is popular amongst divers who want performance when taking underwater thickness measurements. It is hand held for ease of use.


The harsh environments that exist in the offshore industries mean that inspection equipment must be rugged and durable. Inspections are required on a number of applications for monitoring corrosion to maintain the safety of the rig and its crew.

Applications include the inspection of pipelines, ship hulls, cranes, cylinders, underwater thickness measurements, offshore platform risers and oil rigs for corrosion. In all of these cases, coatings do not have to be removed, which makes inspections a lot faster and cheaper.


The Tritex Multigauge 4100 and Multigauge 4400 thickness gauges have been specifically designed to be mounted onto most types of ROV allowing operators to easily take underwater thickness measurements down to 4000m depth. Using ROV’s for inspections has advantages over using divers because they can carry out inspections for longer periods. In addition, they have the ability to access dangerous situations where it is unsafe for divers to go. Simple installation and dedicated software ensure inspections are successfully completed with ease and minimum effort. A dedicated probe holder, with 360 degrees freedom of movement, provides easy presentation of the probe in a variety of situations even though there are no moving parts to get clogged with silt or seaweed.
